Why I Serve
Since first being elected in 2018, I have proudly represented the communities of Rosemount, Apple Valley, Coates (2019-2022), and now Eagan.
I am proud of the work I have done in the Minnesota Legislature, where 41% of the Bills I have sponsored or co-sponsored are bi-partisan. We have forged ahead together on legislation to: address EMS needs; protect and serve our public safety officers and first responders; improve nursing home staffing; expand veterinary tech practices; and allow transportation specialists to assist funeral homes. The 2023-2024 session marked significant progress for: access to reproductive healthcare, lower drug prices, education and education funding, public safety, infrastructure, workers’ safety and security, college affordability, lower health-care costs, and expanded civic engagement by making it easier to vote.
There is more to do. Childcare and pre-K options are too often out of reach. Our schools, books and curricula are under attack. We must continue to provide a comprehensive public education to all children. Moreover, the Minnesota Constitution still does not guarantee equal rights and protections for all. It is time to place the Equal Rights Amendment before the voters. Its passage will be an important step in bringing true equality and freedom to every Minnesotan.
My life has been dedicated to service. From the emergency department at the old St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center, to working with a local fire department and transporting critically ill patients in the ambulance, my career has reflected my commitment to serving people, often at their worst times. It was this dedication to service that first drew me to the idea of running for office.
In 2018 I put my experience and knowledge to work for the people of our district. My experiences in the Minnesota Legislature have reaffirmed my belief that our state government needs people like me in office to fight for what is important to the residents of our community. I understand the challenges so many of us are facing because I have lived them.
My wife and I raised our family of three sons in Rosemount to ensure our kids would receive a top-notch education in a thriving community. I spent time volunteering as a youth sports coach, a youth faith formation teacher, and for a local energy sector advisory council. I worked hard in the healthcare field, started small businesses, and developed a successful real estate career, in which I still work today. Like so many of us, I have experienced the ups and downs, the challenges, and the joys, of working and raising a family.
Minnesotans face new challenges as we adjust to a changed economy and twenty-first century jobs. I will do my part in the Minnesota House to bolster public education from preschool to graduation, to foster growing businesses while protecting workers, and to continue to support safe and welcoming communities.
Let’s get the work done!